Our classes

Hatha Yoga


Discover the essence of balance and tranquility in our Hatha Yoga class. Hatha, the union of 'ha' (sun) and 'tha' (moon), embodies the harmony of opposites within the self. In this class, you will explore a holistic approach to yoga, emphasizing physical postures, breath control, and meditation to align your mind, body, and spirit. You will flow through a series of asanas that promote flexibility, strength, and relaxation. Hatha Yoga is suitable for all levels, offering variations and props to accommodate.

Yin Yoga


Yin Yoga is a gentle and relaxing all-level class that works deeply into the connective tissues and joints of the hips, pelvis, and lower spine with extended holds of postures. This class is suitable to all levels of students through the use of props and modifications. 

Yang/Yin Yoga


Yang/Yin is a yoga practice that is focused on finding, restoring and maintaining balance, both physically and mentally. Yang symbolizes the active portion of the physical practice that focuses on developing strength and mobility in the muscles. The movements are tied together with focused breathing to calm your thoughts and help guide you towards a state of stillness in your minds. The Yin portion of the practice focuses on holding specific postures for an extended period of time where you will be aide.

Power Yoga


Get ready to feel the power! In this vinyasa-style yoga class, you will experience a faster-paced practice with an intentional focus on deep controlled breathing and building heat in the body through active flow.

HIIT Pilates


This dynamic class is a fusion between High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) & classical pilates principles!

It incorporates pilates and other movement techniques, as well as powerful interval timing methods, to tone and strengthen your muscles. You can also expect a serious cardio sweat, without the pounding of high-impact training!

Not only will you burn calories and fat during class, but your calorie burn will extend for up to 48-hours after your workout!

Mat Pilates


This basic-level mat class packs a punch for your core. You will learn the fundamental Pilates principles of core control, fluid motion, and coordination while delving deep into the fundamentals of optimal movement. Targeted exercises help you gain control, strength, power, and flexibility.

Mellow Power Flow


A mellowed-out (moderate intensity) Power Yoga class where we take time to awaken the body with a more gentle flow (vinyasa), followed by holding poses for longer periods.

Enjoy more floor-based postures including juicy hip openers and heart openers allowing for deep release of tension and stress. A class ideal for runners, people on the go, and those who sit a lot throughout the day!

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A place where we can come back to our bodies, our authentic self, to our truth ~ Verity.